Step 1: Take Advantage of Our Limited Time 30-day Trial


For a limited time, we are inviting club owners to explore the benefits of Fitness One at no cost. You’ll have full access to six customized dashboards that present your club's data in a consumable way. Experience what it is like to have the numbers you need compiled, organzied and analyzed in a way that enables you to start adding value to your club immediately. 


Step 2:  Complete The Onboarding Form


Once you complete our onboarding form, we have a call with you to discuss your business, goals and greatest challenges to ensure we are setting up your dashbaords in a way that will enable your success.


Step 3: 30-Day Unlimited Dashboard Access


This 30-day trial provides you free range of six customized dashboards personalized for your club and its various locations. The intuitive user experience tells a complete story about your club's performance based on success metrics that our research and experience have identified. We represent data in a way that is visually appealing so club owners can understand and act upon it in the moment. 


Step 4: Dashboard Tutorial


Our 30-minute live training session equips new users with the information they need to navigate the tool, comprehend the charts and graphs, and take action on the quick wins. We give you everything you need to maximize your success using all the features and capabilities Fitness One has to offer.


Step 5: Select The Subscription Plan That's Right For You


Once your free trial is complete, we will work with you individually to determine which subscription plan works best for you and your business.