Login daily to be greeted with a snapshot view of your club's performance.
Quickly know if your club is meeting its revenue goals.
Check out which top three member profiles are contributing the most to your top line revenue.
Access your to-do list with quick ways to increase revenue, upsell services, prevent cancellations, and convert leads.
Check out a comprehensive view of each member profile's behaviors and attributes.
Understand the seasonality of incoming revenue based on each member profile.
Identify specific information about each member profile including who makes up you active members, their EFT value, lifetime value and revenue generated YTD.
Determine which member profiles to place the most focus on based on their impact to your revenue.
Understand the proportionality of revenue driven by your new and existing members.
Breakdown your overall revenue by the services, amenities and classes you offer.
Generate additional revenue per member by upselling services they are likely to partake in based on the attributes of their member profile and others like them.
Identify which of your clubs is generating the most revenue to determine which best practices at that location need to be implemented at your other locations to increase overall revenue.
Understand of how many leads you expect to close each month, the progress you've made and how many you still need to close.
Generate additional revenue per new member by upselling services they are likely to enjoy based on the existing member profile they match best.
Examine the performance of your sales representatives to make strategic staffing decisions.
View data insights that identify which member profile types your personal trainers have had the most success with.
View how important member retention is to your top line revenue and how many members you need to retain to prevent degradation.
Identify what services your most valuable existing members profiles enjoy the most to ensure you are upkeeping and maintaining their quality.
Determine which services and activities are bringing in the most revenue and be sure to promote those to existing members that have not tried them before.
Access a list of members at high risk of cancelling to reach out and prevent it from happening.
View how many leads have been converted this month and how many leads you still need to convert to meet your revenue goals.
Access a list of open leads that you can convert today!
Incentivize the member profiles with the highest lead conversion rate to refer their friends and family.
Identify which of your marketing channels are closing the most leads and which member profiles to target on each of your platforms.